Dear Afimilk Employees, 

We started off strong in 2021 with a record first half and a high level of confidence that we will meet our aggressive growth targets for the year.  

This record was accomplished under circumstances of a COVID 19 pandemic, that doesn’t seem to be over and continues to affect all our target markets and each of us individually. Still, we are proud of the fact that under these unusual circumstances, the company’s growth is accelerating. 

Growth acceleration requires innovative products and bigger teams. We spent a lot of time and effort  attracting the best talent. We plan to continue building our teams around the globe to ensure we have the capacity to uncover many more business opportunities and the capability to train and support our customers. This also means a much higher production capacity with the challenging circumstances of the COVID 19 pandemic, that causes enormous stress on our supply chain, procurement, and logistics. 

Another related aspect is the emphasis on addressing the specific needs of each region. Despite the limitation on travel, addressing these needs cannot wait for the pandemic to be in the rearview mirror. We recently created fully owned subsidiaries in both China and New Zealand, each comes with major changes relating to how we operate globally and in each of the two regions. 

We recently started selling software and tags as a service, gradually transforming our business model, and better serving our customers. We are also increasing our investment in digital marketing to generate more quality leads while monitoring the different campaigns to optimize the process. We are putting a higher emphasis on customer success, getting closer to the end users of our products, ensuring their satisfaction and creating further business opportunities with them, for us and for our dealers, beyond the initial sale. 

The rebuilding of our Engineering team will ensure further improvement to the quality of our products and the scaling up of production to meet the growing demand. We are developing new software version, AfiFarm 5.5, new leg tag version, AfiAct III and making the production ready version of Synergy (our robotic milking system) work in farms. With the unprecedented growth in sales of standalone cow monitoring systems, we are required to support our new installations of AficCollar and fix problems encountered in the field. Both AfiCollar and AfiPass II are being installed and tested in various milking parlor configurations.

We are the biggest critiques of ourselves. As we grow much faster, we identify many areas that require attention, problems to solve, and changes that need to be implemented to ensure we can effectively deal with a much higher scale of the business and running bigger teams. Nevertheless, we keep sight of our accomplishments and the progress we made in recent years. We are a much stronger company today than we’ve ever been, and we expect this trajectory of improvement to continue. 

Kind regards, 

Yuval Rachmilevitz, CEO