I have been working at Afimilk for 16 years. I started working on the AfifFarm 5 project almost 10 years ago. When we re-designed the software architecture of AfiFarm, it was very interesting, and challenging. Now, my favorite is Synergy, the robotic system. Developing the Synergy system includes many new technologies, such as machine vision, motion control, precision mechanics, electronics, real-time software, mobile apps software, GUI, Simulation, and so much more.
I have two roles at Afimilk. One role is the Head of Real-time Software Group, and the other is Chief System Engineer. Real-time Software Group is developing part of AfiFarm software. It is the part which is “under the hood”. It is the part of software which runs on a PC in the farmer’s office, and communicates with devices which are out in milking parlors and in sheds, such as milk meters, Act2 Readers, Ideals, Sort Controllers etc. Now, we also develop the software of the robot. In my role as System Engineer, I’m responsible for designing the system architecture of our products, selecting technologies, and defining the major interfaces between our products. For example: Our robot will communicate by WiFi with our Management Software, and by Bluetooth with the mobile app of Afimilk technician.
At Afimilk, we have people from a very wide range of professions: Farmers, Veterinarians, Engineers, Biologists, Marketing, and more. My advice is to take the opportunity to learn about as many fields of interest, outside your defined role.
Help my 3 teenage kids arrange themselves when they go to school. Drive my bicycle to Afikim (I live on a Kibbutz a few kms away). Visit Robotics Laboratory, to see how the Lab Experiment is advancing. Sit or stand in meetings, write documents and emails, draw rectangles on white boards. Visit Afikim Milking Parlor to see how the robotics experiment there is advancing. Interview by phone or face to face with a new candidate for the programming role we hire. Answer questions for AfiConnect 🙂
Motivate people to do the necessary things, by example, reason, and inspiration.
The new team leader I recruited, who will develop Real-time Simulation Software. It is a very interesting project, which touches on every aspect of our work environment.
I grew up on a Kibbutz, and always wanted to work in agriculture. But most agricultural jobs are so boring. Here I found a way to work in agriculture and mix it up with interesting stuff. Afimilk grew up, it wasn’t even called Afimilk when I came. But I think we still have this special thing about us, which makes people stay here longer than usual.
I had an opportunity to learn a lot, develop as a person and as a professional, and still have lots of fun.
My group is very diverse: men, and women, urban and rural, religious and secular, Jews and non-Jews, born in Israel and outside. Still, we all work together, eat together, and have fun together.