Hiring represents growth and growth is our future.
We are at the high time of hiring at all locations covering multiple positions in all of the company’s domains and territories.
Hiring brings together three important partnerships in the process: The candidate, the hiring manager and the Human Resources team. We are targeting to bring the best candidates to join our teams.
As part of the process, we pay much attention to communicate our value proposition and make sure the candidate recognizes the value of becoming an Afimilk employee.
I would like to take the opportunity to thank the hiring managers who ride this roller coaster with the Human Resources team and the team that is involved, Anna, Shir, and Oshrat, thank you for all your efforts.
A big thanks also goes out to all of Afimilk’s employees who participated in the Employee Referral Program and introduced friends and colleagues who are now members of our team.
We value your friends, we encourage you to send your friend’s resume to each of our openings.
We appreciate your efforts.
Karin Aviv, Recruitment Manager